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REDEFINING SUCESS ~ Mindful Music ~ One Day Immersion

Bildschirmfoto 2020-09-21 um 12.42.08.png

What does success mean to you personally?

Does this definition come from your heart or does it come from your families, teachers, society?

What do you need to live a successful life that is aligned to your heart, body and mind?

In this one day immersion we will explore success and what it really means to us. The time we live in, is inviting us to question old believes, to look closely at our own motivations and goals in life.
Can we find a new definition of success, that does not have its foundation in competition and fighting? Is there another way?

Join us on this journey, in connection and community, and into the depths of your own being.

Pricing: 130 Euros

Location: Life Artists CREATORS HUB
Milastr. 4
10437 Berlin

Later Event: August 18